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One Earth, One Humanity

April 19, 20, 21 (Zoom)
Tuesday – Thursday 10 am – 12 noon

The Earth is our origin, our nourishment, our educator,
our healer, our fulfillment.
Thomas Berry

At this time in human history, we are being called to love the Earth and to recognize our oneness with it.
The Earth is not an object ― it is a living being that sustains us and all other life forms. This three-part
series explores our sacred relationship with the Earth. To better understand this relationship, we’ll explore
the perennial wisdom that brings us together with nature, with each other, and with the mystery of
creation. We’ll celebrate the wonder of our own existence and the possibility of wholeness in the midst of
our apparent fragmentation and divisions. We will also explore Eastern and Western viewpoints about the
priceless gift we have been given and how we can approach ways of caring for the Earth, while we
nurture our own spiritual life. The aim of this series is to engage with the inner wisdom that sees the
whole of life as one symphonic movement in our life’s journey on the Earth.
Single Session $15, Series $40
Cynthia Overweg facilitates workshops and retreats that focus on self-transformation and inner stillness.
She is the author of Silent Awareness: The Revelation That Changes Everything (2021) and numerous
articles and essays about the spiritual quest. Her love of the natural world began in childhood when she
lived on an island and had the freedom to roam and explore some of nature’s hidden treasures.

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